Maintain Derivation Paths

Step type: Complex user interface.

Step description: This step allows you to create, edit and delete DTS derivation paths. For more information, see the chapter DTS Derivation Path. As of release 24.07, this is function has been moved to the step Maintain DTS objects. Once you are in this step, click Grid view paths.

Detailed functions: The program screen is split into two parts:

  • The list of derivation paths on the left-hand side. The list has the following structure:

    • Path object: Technical name of the DTS derivation path.

      NOTE You can double-click a row to open the selected path in the maintenance screen.
    • Short text: Description of the DTS derivation path.

    • Parallel derivation: Button that opens a pop-up to customize the derivation path parallelization. The screen looks like the step DTS parallel read maintenance, but instead of only the table, it sets the parallelization for the derivation path and the table used for the derivation. Note that you cannot use this function to parallelize the ABAP paths and replication paths. The cross icon on the button indicates that it is not possible to set the parallelization.

    • Type: Type of DTS derivation path. For more information, see below.

    • ABAP: Flag indicating that the path is set for ABAP processing.

    NOTE If no content packages have been loaded and no derivation path has been created, the list is empty.
  • The derivation maintenance screen on the right-hand side. For information about maintaining derivation paths, see the chapter DTS Derivation Path.

The toolbar provides the following functions:

  • Create (Ctrl+Shift+F1): Creates a new DTS derivation path. The following types are available:

    • Path object: Specifies the name of the derivation path.

      NOTE The best practice is to call the DTS objects by the name of their SAP technical definition, for example the path name BUKRS_MBLNR(MSEG). The first object is the name of the input business object followed by an underscore, with the output business object next, and then the relation table in brackets.
    • Single path: Specifies the standard derivation path.

    • Replication path (RFC): Specifies the path used to replicate data from a business object located in a different system/client via RFC connection. The replication run ID and the RFC server are defined in the step Maintain run ID.

    • Initialization path: Used for the initialization of the output object. It does not contain any input business object. The data is derived to the output business object from a selected table.

  • Open (F8): Displays a pop-up used to enter the derivation path name. After entering the path and clicking Confirm, the path opens on the right-hand side if it exists.

  • Edit/display (Ctrl+F1): Switches between edit mode and display mode.

  • Delete object (F6): Deletes the object displayed in the maintenance screen.

  • Parallel derivation (F7): Opens a pop-up with the partitioning definition. For more information, see the chapter DTS Parallel Read Maintenance.

  • Setup > Expert mode: Enables expert mode, in which all consistency checks are disabled. This is used only for content build purposes. Do not use this function in customer projects.